If your card details have been stolen, you are a victim of phishing or you believe that your card has been duplicated, it is important that you block the affected cards directly from the "Block my cards" button. Remember that before proceeding with the cancellation of one or more cards, you must access your remote banking with your credentials.
What is phishing?
Phishing is a technique used by cybercriminals that involves the fraudulent act of stealing bank details from credit or debit cards. Cybercriminals often steal passwords or other confidential information in order to gain access to other people's bank accounts. The most common types of fraud are the creation of fake websites and/or portals and the falsification of the origin of email messages (although SMS, fax or telephone can also be used).
These two techniques are used to fraudulently capture passwords to third-party services and applications or other sensitive information, such as account and card numbers (including expiry dates), in order to access your information or carry out transactions in your name. Please note that Banco Sabadell will never ask you to enter your bank details or access codes through a link.
Will I receive another card?
When you block one of your cards, we will automatically send you a new card to your home address, without the need to sign a new contract. Before using it for the first time, you must activate it at an ATM or by making a purchase in a physical shop, inserting the card in the dataphone and entering the pin number.
Do you need cash urgently and don't have your card with you?
If you need cash and don't have your card handy, you can use Instant Money from the Banco Sabadell app. This is a service with which you can withdraw cash from Banco Sabadell ATMs without having to use your physical card. All you need is your mobile phone, where you will receive an SMS with a code that you must enter at the ATM in order to withdraw cash. Want to know how to get Instant Money? Click here.
How can you avoid falling victim to these fraudulent acts?
There are some steps you can take in your day-to-day life to keep your data safe from cybercriminals. Follow these recommendations:
• Periodically change your card PIN and password to access your remote banking.
• Never write down your passwords.
• Never give out your username and password (or other personal data) when asked for them by SMS, email, etc.
• Look at the last login date and time when accessing your remote banking.
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