If your card has been stolen, you think it has been duplicated or you have lost it, the first thing to do is to cancel it. Block your credit or debit card directly from the "Block my cards" button. Remember that before proceeding with the cancellation of one or more cards, you must access your remote banking with your credentials.
If you prefer to have a bank manager assist you personally and help you with your case, you can choose to log in to your online banking and then start a conversation with the Virtual Assistant and report that your credit or debit card has been lost or stolen.
Will I receive another card?
When you block one of your cards, we will automatically send you a new card to your home address without the need to sign a new contract. Before using it for the first time, you must activate it at an ATM or by making a purchase in a physical shop, inserting the card in the dataphone and entering the PIN number.
Do you need cash urgently and don't have your card with you?
If you need cash and don't have your card handy, you can use Instant Money from the Banco Sabadell app. This is a service with which you can withdraw cash from Banco Sabadell ATMs without having to use your physical card. All you need is your mobile phone, where you will receive an SMS with a code that you must enter at the ATM in order to withdraw cash.
Want to know how to get Instant Money? Click here.
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