If you have an issue with a product or service you have paid for with your card or you wish to return a purchase, you must contact the business to request a refund.
If you identify an undue charge on your card or one that you have not authorised, access remote banking from the app, click on the menu > Cards. Select the card, click on the payment note and click on "Claim charge". Then mark the appropriate options in the claim details and sign it.
Please note that if you see “Payment Not Confirmed” in the charge details, you will not be able to claim it at that time and you will need to wait approximately five days for the payment to be completed. In the meantime, you can deactivate your card to temporarily block it from the menu > Cards and selecting the card. Then click on My Card > Turn off, Block or Replace, select the option “Temporary Shut Down” and sign the transaction. When you need it, you can reactivate it by clicking on the “Turn on Card” button in the “Cards” section.
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